Saturday, November 29, 2014

                                                        Photo of painted stick
                                                        color photograph
                                                         Will Light Johnson

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Photograph by Rolf Koppel
copyright 2014 

Visit Rolf Koppel's website to see his amazing, profound & unique B&W photographs 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

   This selection of paintings, photographs, drawings, & sculptures is created in the styles that parallel my visual desires. They display and communicate the vocabulary, the notes and rhythms that I'm currently using. I can name three methods which are important in my work: I'm finding that I can actually develop a personal language of symbols which stand for the visual fantasies that exist all simultaneously in the head, and the heart, and in dreams and imagination. Secondly, I'm finding that the various speeds with which I make these symbols are exciting; and that speed itself can be meaningful and symbolic. Finally, I find it important to discover that one work can consist of several works and that overlap creates the deep meaning of graphic space.

Will Light Johnson

Sunday, November 2, 2014

color photograph
9" x 12" 
Will Light Johnson