Saturday, July 24, 2010

My friend Stacy came over for a visit.
She brought her dog Margo with her.
Margo had a bright, neon green ball in her mouth.
She was so proud.
Every time she'd chew down onto this ball a sharp,shrill sound
would squeak out of it.
Margo was so happy that she could make this sound happen.
We hung out and played fetch all evening.
The next morning I looked into my backyard,
there laying amongst the deep,natural green colors in my overgrown garden was Margo's synthetic NEON GREEN BALL.
It really stands out.
It's hypnotizing.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

2 Drawings

Pictures of two drawings. Richly, shaded lines have a sort of soothing, electric pulse glowing within them. It can be meditative.
Will Light Johnson July 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Recycled Art
Will Light Johnson

These paintings are all made on recycled shopping bags.

Friday, July 9, 2010

I just woke up from a beautiful dream. It took place in a dusty, creeky, old antique store. It was one of those antique stores that is filled to capacity with everything under the sun: chairs, tables, old records, funny old dresses, masks, strange little figurines... I remember being fascinated by the old walls of the shop. They were dirty, old, deep-dark gray, crumbling wood walls. There was a feeling that at any time the walls would collapse, and all these magical antiques would fall over and pile up over me – but that never happen. I just kept creeping around the shop, picking out things to look at. There was a tall ivory painted dresser. Each compartment of the dresser had exotic porcelain figurines in it. There was a sleeping dog figurine - A funny little basket of flowers - A woman's hand. I blew the dust off of these objects and examined them carefully. I would hold them up above my head, and turn them around carefully in the rays of sunlight that seeped in through the old gray walls. Then I'd carefully put them back. These figurines would give me such a wondrous feeling inside; like I'd just inherited their histories. Then I noticed a set of stairs down into the basement. I made my way down into this new cluttered, even darker, older space. It was mainly full of old dresses. They were so funny looking. They had paisley and floral patterns on them, were trimmed with lace, and they all had really high collars. The dust was so thick. I kept blowing the dust off of everything. I'd watch the dust fly into the air and swirl elegantly back down onto everything around me. It was a lovely dream.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Wednesday, July 7, 2010